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.45 Govt. – 3, by UMC, 1903 MultiBall, One Cartridge not a Box


.45 Govt. by U.M.C., 1903, MultiBall, One Compete Cartridge per Customer not the Cut-A-Way. Please Click on Picture or itle for more Details. 

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PLEASE NOTE, only the complete cartridge is for sale, not the cut-a way cartridge.

Limited Supply, limit One per Customer!

One Cartridge, not a box: 45 Govt, Multi-Ball by Frankford Arsenal in 1903, using  U.M.C. for Union Metallic Company  brass cases with a “ U.M.C. .45 GOVT.” Head-Stamp. These special cartridges have three lead balls, designed with the idea of more balls going down range per shot would inflict more damage on the enemy.

History of .45 Government, A.K.A.  45-70 cartridge:The 45 Government, (A.K.A.) 45 Govt. and 45-70, was adopted by the U.S. Military, in 873 for use in the Springfield, single-shot, trapdoor rifle, and used by the U.S. Military until 1892 and then replaced by the 30-40 Krag.Despite it was only used by the U.S. Military for only around 19 years, it is considered by many to be one of the most successful rifle cartridge ever designed, and has been in use for over146 years (at this writing, 2020) and still made and used many shooters today.

Additional information

Weight 1.00 lbs